
Creating private CocoaPods libraries: mastering dependency management

Last updated 
Jul 26, 2023
 min read

In the world of iOS and macOS development, CocoaPods has become an essential tool for managing dependencies. Using public pods is straightforward, but creating private pod libraries can be more challenging. In this blog, we will explore the step-by-step process of creating a private CocoaPod library, allowing you to efficiently manage your internal codebase and share reusable components across projects within your organization. Whether you're a solo developer or part of a team, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to streamline your development workflow.

Understanding CocoaPods and Private Pods

Let's first look into the fundamentals of CocoaPods and private pods. Understanding these concepts will provide a solid foundation for the subsequent steps in creating and integrating private pods into your projects.

CocoaPods: simplifying dependency management

CocoaPods stands as a widely embraced dependency manager for macOS and iOS development. Its core purpose revolves around streamlining the inclusion of external libraries and frameworks into your Xcode projects. With CocoaPods, you can easily manage and integrate third-party code, making it a popular choice among developers.

Here are some key features and benefits of using CocoaPods:

Dependency resolution: CocoaPods handles the resolution of dependencies for your project. It automatically fetches and installs the required libraries and frameworks, ensuring that the correct versions are used.

Versioning and updates: CocoaPods allows you to specify the version requirements for each dependency. This ensures that your project remains compatible with the desired library versions. Additionally, CocoaPods simplifies the process of updating dependencies to their latest versions.

Podfile configuration: CocoaPods uses a Podfile to define your project's dependencies. This file lists the libraries and frameworks you want to include, along with their version requirements. You can customize your Podfile to specify additional settings, such as subspecs, source repositories, and more.

Integration with Xcode: CocoaPods seamlessly integrates with Xcode. This generates an Xcode workspace that includes your project and the installed dependencies. This allows you to work on your project using the familiar Xcode interface while leveraging the functionality provided by the included libraries.

Community support: CocoaPods boasts an extensive and active community of developers, generously contributing to the growing repository of libraries while providing comprehensive support. You can find a wide range of open-source libraries and frameworks in the official CocoaPods repository, making it easy to discover and include popular and well-maintained code in your projects.

Private Pods: Sharing Code Within Your Organization

While CocoaPods simplifies the integration of public libraries, private pods offer a way to share code internally within your organization. These are repositories that contain libraries or frameworks developed and maintained privately by your organization or team. These private pods are not publicly available and are designed for internal use.

Here are some benefits of using private pods within your organization:

Code reusability: Private pods allow you to encapsulate and share reusable code within your organization. This promotes code sharing, consistency, and efficiency across multiple projects. Learn more about building faster with reusable components.

Modularity: Private pods enable you to break down your codebase into modular components. This promotes separation of concerns, maintainability, and the ability to update or replace individual components without affecting the entire project.

Version control: Private pods support versioning, allowing you to track changes and manage compatibility across projects. This ensures that projects consistently use the desired version of a library or framework.

Security and intellectual property: Private pods provide a secure way to protect proprietary or sensitive code within your organization. By keeping code private, you can safeguard your intellectual property and prevent unauthorized access.

Creating and managing private pods involves setting up a private repository, defining the podspec file, specifying dependencies, and testing before publishing. Integrating private pods into projects requires updating the Podfile and installing the dependencies.

In subsequent steps, we will explore these processes in detail, providing step-by-step instructions to help you create, test, publish, and integrate your own private pods effectively.

Creating a private pod

Now that we have a good understanding of CocoaPods and private pods, let's walk through the steps to creating your own private pod.

Install CocoaPods on your Mac:

Before creating a private pod, ensure that you have CocoaPods installed on your Mac. You can install CocoaPods by opening Terminal and running the following command:

sudo gem install cocoapods

Create a repository on Git:

Set up a Git private repository to host your private pod. Choose between a self-hosted Git server or platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Create a new repository and make a note of its URL.

Clone the repository

Use th following command to duplicate the Git repository onto your local machine.

git clone <repository_url>

Replace `<rеpository_url>` with the URL of your Git repository. 

Create your own private library

Execute the following command in your repository folder using the terminal.

pod lib create YourPodName

Replace ‘YourPodName’, with the desired name for your library.

You'll be presented with a set of questions through this command:

  • When asked about the platform, choose iOS.
  • When asked about the language, choose Swift.
  • Select "Yes" when asked if you want to include a demo application.
  • Choose "None" when asked about the testing framework.
  • When prompted about view-based testing, select "No" as your answer.

Here is an example for reference:

Thiss command will generate the necessary files and folder structure for your private pod library, including a demo application.

Setting up the podspec file

The podspec file is a crucial component in creating a private pod library. It contains essential information about your library, such as its name, version, dependencies, and source files. In this section, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up the podspec file correctly.

Step 1: Edit the Podspec File

To begin, navigate to the root directory of your private pod library project and open the newly created podspec file using a text editor of your choice. You will see several placeholders that need to be replaced with your library's specific information.

  1. Define the basic metadata: 

Start by defining the basic metadata for your library. Here's an example:

2# Be sure to run `pod lib lint YourPodName.podspec’ to ensure this is a
3# valid spec before submitting.
5# Any lines starting with a # are optional, but their use is encouraged
6# To learn more about a Podspec see
8 do |s|
10             = ‘YourPodName’
11  s.version          = ‘0.1.012  s.summary          = ‘A short description of YourPodName.’
14# This description is used to generate tags and improve search results.
15#   * Think: What does it do? Why did you write it? What is the focus?
16#   * Try to keep it short, snappy and to the point.
17#   * Write the description between the DESC delimiters below.
18#   * Finally, don’t worry about the indent, CocoaPods strips it!
20  s.description      = <<-DESC
21TODO: Add long description of the pod here.
22                      DESC
24  s.homepage         = ‘’
25  # s.screenshots     = ‘’, ‘’
26  s.license          = { :type => ‘MIT’, :file => ‘LICENSE’ }
27           = { ‘Your Name’ => ‘’ }
28  s.source           = { :git => ‘’, :tag => s.version.to_s }
29  # s.social_media_url = ‘<TWITTER_USERNAME>’
31  s.ios.deployment_target = ‘10.032
33  s.source_files = ‘YourPodName/Classes/**/*’
35  # s.resource_bundles = {
36  #   ‘YourPodName’ => [‘YourPodName/Assets/*.png’]
37  # }
39  # s.public_header_files = ‘Pod/Classes/**/*.h’
40  # s.frameworks = ‘UIKit’, ‘MapKit’
41  # s.dependency ‘AFNetworking’, ‘~> 2.3’
  1. Set the name and version 

Locate the line that starts with ‘s.namе’ and replace the placeholder with your library's name: = 'YourPodName'

Below that, set the version number:

1s.version = '1.0.0'

Make sure to choose a versioning scheme that follows Semantic Versioning (e.g., MAJOR.MINOR. PATCH).

  1. Specify the source files 

Next, you need to specify the source files that should be included in your private pod library. Use the s.source_files attribute and provide the file patterns relative to the podspec file location:

1s.source_files = 'Sources/**/*.{swift,objc}'

This example assumes that your source files are located in a "Sources" directory and that you want to include both Swift and Objective-C files. Adjust the file patterns according to your project structure.

  1. Add other metadata and configuration:

You can add additional metadata and configuration to the podspec file as needed. Some common attributes include:

s.summary: A brief description of your library.

s.homepage: The URL for the library's homepage or repository. The name and email address of the library's author.

s.license: The license under which your library is distributed.

Ensure to provide accurate and relevant information for each attribute.

Validate the podspec file

Upon completing the modifications to the podspec file, it is imperative to validate its accuracy. Use this command in the terminal:

pod spec lint YourPodName.podspec

Replace "YourPodName" with the actual name of your podspec file. This command will validate the syntax and structure of your podspec file, ensuring it meets the required standards.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up your podspec file for your private pod library. Now you can move on to organizing your project structure and adding source files and assets.

Organizing your project structure

Organizing your project structure is essential for maintaining a clean and manageable codebase in your private pod library. A well-organized structure enhances readability, promotes reusability, and simplifies maintenance. In this section, we will provide step-by-step guidance on how to effectively organize your project structure.

Define the root directory

Start by defining a root directory for your private pod library. This directory will contain all the necessary files and subdirectories for your library. Choose a descriptive name for the root directory, such as the name of your library or a related identifier.

Separate public and private files

To maintain clear boundaries between public and private components, create separate directories for each. The public directory will contain the files and resources that are intended to be exposed to users of your library, while the private directory will store internal implementation details.

For example, create the following directories within your root directory:

Public: This directory will hold public header files, public resource files, and any other publicly accessible assets.

Private: This directory will store implementation files, private headers, and other internal resources that should not be exposed to library users.

By separating files, you establish a clear contract for users of your library and make it easier to maintain and update the library in the future.

Create subdirectories for different components

Depending on the size and complexity of your library, it's helpful to create subdirectories to organize different components. This allows for a more granular organization and improves the discoverability of specific files.

For instance, you might create subdirectories for the following components:

Classes: This directory can contain the source code files (.swift or .m files) for the different classes and modules in your library.

Extensions: If your library includes extension files for existing Cocoa classes, store them in this directory.

Resources: Place any non-code resources, such as images, storyboards, xib files, or localized strings, in this directory.

Supporting Files: Store any additional files that support your library, such as configuration files, documentation, or license files.

Consider the components of your library and create relevant subdirectories accordingly. Remember, the goal is to create a logical and intuitive structure that aids development and maintenance.

Add a README and documentation 

A crucial aspect of maintaining an organized project structure is providing clear documentation and instructions. Include a README file in the root directory of your library, which serves as a starting point for users to understand your library's usage, installation instructions, and any specific considerations.

Additionally, you may want to create a documentation directory to store more detailed documentation, usage examples, and API references.

Commit changes to Git

Commit and push the initial project structure created to your private pod's repository using the following Git commands:

git add .
git commit -m “Initial commit”
git push origin master

This allows you to track changes, collaborate with others, and easily revert to previous versions if needed. Ensure you create a .gitignore file to exclude any unnecessary files or directories from version control, such as build artifacts or IDE-specific files.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can establish a well-organized project structure. Keeping your files organized and separating public and private components will enhance maintainability, promote code reusability, and facilitate collaboration within your team.

Adding source files and assets

In order to create a comprehensive and functional private pod library, you need to include the necessary source files and assets. This section will walk you through the process of adding source files and assets effectively.

Identify the source files

Determine which source files are essential for your private pod library. These files typically include the implementation files (.swift or .m files), header files (.h files), and any other supporting code files required for your library to function properly. Consider the classes, modules, and utility files that are part of your library's functionality.

Organize the source files

Create a directory structure within your project that mirrors the structure of your private pod library. By doing so, you'll be able to keep your codebase neat and well-organized. For example, you can create a "Sources" directory in your root directory and organize its source files based on their functionality or module.

For example, your directory structure could resemble the following:


  • Network: Contains networking-related source files.
  • UI: Contains UI-related source files.
  • Utils: Contains utility and helper classes.

Feel free to customize the directory structure based on your library's needs. The goal is to have a well-organized and easily navigable codebase.

Add source files to the project

Copy or move the identified source files into their respective directories within your project. You can do this directly in your IDE or using the command line.

If you're using Xcode, right-click on the appropriate directory in the project navigator and select "Add Files to [Your Project Name]". Then, navigate to the source file(s) you want to include in your project and select them for inclusion in your project.

Ensure that the source files are added to the correct target(s) within your project to ensure they are compiled and included in your private pod library.

Includе assеts 

If your private pod library includes any non-code assets such as images, storyboards, xib files, or localization resources, you'll need to include them as well.

Create an "Assets" directory within your project and add the necessary assets to their respective subdirectories based on their type or purpose.

For example:


  • Images: Contains image assets.
  • Storyboards: Contains storyboard files.
  • Localization: Contains localization resource files.

Again, customize the asset directory structure as needed for your library.

Update the podspec file

Once the source files and assets have been added to your project, it's important to update the podspec file to include them in your private Pod library.

In the podspec file, modify the s.source_files attribute to include the appropriate file patterns. For example:

1s.source_files = 'Sources/**/*.{swift,objc}'

Following these instructions to effectively add source files and assets. Organizing your source code and assets in a logical structure ensures maintainability and ease of use. Remember to keep your Podspec file updated and validated before publishing your private pod library.

Managing dependencies

Managing dependencies is a critical aspect of creating a private pod library. Dependencies are external frameworks or libraries that your private pod library relies on to function properly. 

Identify dependencies

Determine the external dependencies that your private pod library requires. These dependencies can be open-source libraries, third-party frameworks, or other private pod libraries. Identify the specific versions or version ranges that are compatible with your library.

Declare dependencies in the podspec file

Open your podspec file and locate the s.dependency attribute. This attribute allows you to declare the dependencies required.

To declare a dependency, use the following format:

1s.dependency 'DependencyName', '~> Version'

Replace 'DependencyName' with the name of the external library or framework, and 'Version' with the specific version or version range required. The ~> operator allows for specifying a version range, ensuring compatibility within a certain range of versions.

For example:

1s.dependency 'Alamofire', '~> 5.4.0'

This example declares a dependency on the Alamofire framework, requiring version 5.4.0 or any compatible version within the 5.x.x range.

Repeat this step for each dependency your private pod library requires, adding separate s.dependency lines for each.

Install dependencies using CocoaPods

To manage dependencies and ensure they are included, you'll need to install them using CocoaPods.

In your project's root directory, create a Podfile if you haven't already. Open the Podfile in a text editor and specify the dependencies by adding the following lines:

1target ‘YourTargetName’ do
2  pod ‘DependencyName’, ‘~> Version’

Replace 'YourTargetName' with the name of your target within your project. Replace 'DependencyName' and 'Version' with the actual names and versions of the dependencies you declared in the podspec file.

For example:

1target ‘YourTargetName’ do
2  pod ‘Alamofire’, ‘~> 5.4.03end

Save the Podfile and run the following command in the terminal within your project's root directory:

pod install

This command will fetch the specified dependencies and integrate them into your project.

Update and manage dependencies

As you continue to work on your private pod library, you may need to update or manage your dependencies over time. To update dependencies to their latest versions, run the following command:

pod update

This command will update all the dependencies specified in your Podfile to their latest compatible versions.

To manage individual dependencies, you can modify the version range or specific version in your podspec file or Podfile, depending on your needs. Be mindful of any compatibility issues or breaking changes introduced in newer versions of the dependencies.

By following these instructions, you can effectively manage dependencies for your private pod library. Identifying and declaring dependencies in the podspec file, installing them using CocoaPods, and staying updated on their latest versions ensures the smooth functioning of your library and integration with other projects. Regularly review and update your dependencies to benefit from bug fixes, enhancements, and new features provided by external libraries.

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Best practices for private pod development:

It is essential to follow best practices while developing private pod libraries to ensure smooth integration into projects, accentuate collaboration, and also for maintaining code quality. In this section, we will help empower you to create well-structured and maintainable private pod libraries with some valuable guidelines and best practices pointers.

Code Organization:

  • Group related files together by utilizing meaningful directory structures.
  • Ensure that the nomenclature remains consistent and thoroughly descriptive throughout the project.
  • Organize the codebase into rational components and segments by incorporating a modular approach.

Naming Conventions:

  • The nomenclature you choose should represent the objective and functionality of the code.
  • The nomenclature must be in sync with factual industry standards and contracts used in the CocoaPods ecosystem.
  • Most importantly, the nomenclature must be clarity and should reflect the methods, variables, and classes precisely.

Code Documentation:

  • Developers should have ready information facilitation so that they can develop a deep understanding of the code and use it effectively.
  • Documentation of the code should be comprehensive.
  • Inline comments should explain intricate information and logic to provide easy-to-understand context for important code components.

Versioning Strategies:

  • Incorporate a distinct versioning strategy for your private pod library. This will automate the tracking of any changes that happen and also conduct proper management of compatibility.
  • Version control systems like Git will facilitate proper management and tagging of different versions of your library
  • By following semantic versioning principles, the communication of the impact of each release (major, minor, or patch) will become accurate.

Backward compatibility:

  • Backward compatibility must be maintained to ensure a minimum number of obstructions for projects that are currently using private pods. 
  • Considerations should be kept in mind for any prospective changes and also to provide alternatives. Migration guides or deprecation notices should also be provided when necessary.
  • Utilization of feature flags or conditional compilation will manage backward compatibility properly.

With these best practices, you can guarantee that your private pod libraries are well-structured, organized, properly documented, and compatible with various projects. These guidelines will be advantageous not just to benefit your own development workflow but also to improve the overall experience for developers integrating your private pods into their projects.

Security considerations for private pod libraries

It is extremely critical to prioritize security when you are creating and distributing private pod libraries. The most essential aspects of maintaining a secure environment include protection of code and intellectual property, and appropriate access controls. 

Securing the code: 

To safeguard your code, follow these practices:

  • Review needed consistently and requisite updates to address security liabilities.
  • Incorporate version control and limit access to authorized team members only.
  • Use code-clouding techniques to safeguard complex logic.

Protecting intellectual property: 

Protecting your intellectual property rights is vital. Contemplate the following actions:

  • Add suitable copyright notices and licensing terms to your podspec file.
  • Describe ownership and usage rights with clarity in the license contract.
  • Employ encryption or licensing mechanisms to protect proprietary algorithms or any other sensitive resources.

Managing access controls: 

Monitoring access to your private pod repository is critical for sustaining security. Consider the following methods:

  • Authentication mechanism utilization will restrict open access and allow access to authorized individuals only.
  • Access controls need to be established at the repository level, to create a structured pattern of allowing different levels of permissions based on user roles.
  • Consistently review and cancel access for previous team members or any third-party contributors.

Securing communication channels: 

Warrant secure communication between the private pod repository and the development environment by:

  • Use secure protocols (e.g., HTTPS) when interacting with the repository.
  • Implementing encryption techniques to preserve sensitive data during transmission.

With the help of these security measures, you can lessen the risks and protect your private pod libraries and intellectual property. Remember, maintaining a strong security posture is a continuous process that requires unwavering analysis and updates to stay ahead of potential threats.

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Sharing private pods within a development team

Alliance is important in a development team, and proficiently sharing and distributing will ensure effortless integration into projects. We will go through different approaches for sharing and allotting private pods within your development team in the section below:

Using local file paths: 

Utilization of local file paths is one of the most prominent approaches to sharing private pods. Follow these steps:

  • Export your private pod as a framework or library.
  • Share the derived file with your team members through cloud storage or a shared network.
  • The above steps will allow the manual addition of the shared file to the project's dependencies for the team members.

This methodology is usually preferable for small teams or teams that require temporary sharing. It often becomes difficult to incorporate this method for a bigger team or when updates are required. 

Sharing pods through version control systems: 

Version control systems, such as Git, provide a consistent method to share private pods. Follow these steps:

  • Standardize and set up a version control repository (e.g., GitHub, Bitbucket) that can host your private pod.
  • This repository is to be added as a dependency in the project's Podfile, which should specify the repository URL and desired version.
  • Installation of the private pod can then be done by the team members through CocoaPods, which configures the pod from the version control repository.

Easy version management is possible through this method along with collaborative development and efficient updates. But this can only happen if all team members have access to the version control repository.

Setting up an internal pod repository: 

For larger teams or long-term projects, setting up an internal pod repository offers a smooth and seamless sharing mechanism. Below steps will help:

  • Configuration of a private pod repository using tools like CocoaPods, Artifactory, or Nexus is the first step.
  • Next, publish your private pods to the internal repository. This will make them accessible to the core team members.
  • After following these steps, the team members can include the specifications for the internal repository as a source in their project's Podfile and also include the private pods as dependencies.

This approach is the most efficient as it creates a solid structure. It provides centralized management, version control, and easy access for team members. This enables a well-organized structure of access controls and permissions within the internal repository.

By incorporating these approaches, you can successfully share and distribute private pods within your development team. You can shortlist the best method which appropriately suits your team size, collaboration needs, and long-term goals.

Testing and publishing your private pod

Before releasing your private pod library, thorough testing is essential. In this section, we will cover different testing techniques to ensure the quality and reliability of your private pod. We will also discuss how to publish them to a private repository, allowing seamless distribution and version control. 

Testing your private pod 

Before publishing your private pod, it's crucial to thoroughly test its functionality and verify that it works as expected. Follow these steps:

  • Create a sample project or use an existing project to test your private pod's integration. This project should have a Podfile set up.
  • In the sample project's Podfile, specify your private pod as a dependency. Use the local path to the pod directory in the following format:
pod 'YourPodName', :path => '/path/to/your/pod'

Replace 'YourPodName' with the actual name of your private pod, and '/path/to/your/pod' with the local path to your pod directory.

  • Run the following command in the terminal within the sample project's root directory to install the dependencies:
pod install
  • Build and run a sample project to ensure that your private pod integrates correctly and functions as expected. Test the various features and functionality provided by your private pod.
  • Write unit tests for your private pod using a testing framework like XCTest or Quick/Nimble. Ensure that your tests cover the critical aspects of your private pod's functionality.
  • Run the unit tests to verify that your private pod behaves as intended and passes all the defined test cases.

Perform thorough testing and address any issues or bugs before proceeding to the next step.

Versioning your private pod

Versioning is important for tracking changes, managing compatibility, and providing a clear indication of your pod's development progress. Follow these steps to version your private pod:

  • Update the version number in your podspec file. Locate the s.version attribute and modify it according to the Semantic Versioning scheme:
1s.version = '1.0.0'
  • Update the version number based on the nature and extent of the changes made since the previous version. Refer to the Semantic Versioning guidelines for determining the appropriate version number.
  • Commit and tag your codebase using version control. Create a Git tag that corresponds to the updated version number to mark the specific commit for this version.

Publishing your private pod

Once you have thoroughly tested your private pod and versioned it correctly, it's time to publish it. Follow these steps:

Ensure that you have set up a private repository to host your private pod. This repository can be a private Git repository or a private repository on a platform like GitHub or GitLab.

  • In your terminal, navigate to the root directory of your private pod project.
  • Register your private repository with CocoaPods using the following command:
pod repo add YourRepoName YourRepoURL

Replace 'YourRepoName' with a suitable name for your private repository, and 'YourRepoURL' with the URL of your private repository.

  • Push your private pod to the private repository using the following command:
pod repo push YourRepoName YourPodName.podspec

Replace 'YourRepoName' with the name of your private repository, and 'YourPodName.podspec' with the actual name of your podspec file.

  • CocoaPods will publish your private pod to your private repository, making it available for installation by other developers. Other developers can now include your private pod in their projects by referencing your private repository and specifying your pod as a dependency in their Podfile.
  • By following these step-by-step instructions, you can effectively test and publish your private pod. Thorough testing ensures the quality and reliability of your private pod while versioning and publishing makes it accessible to other developers. 

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Integrating private pods into projects

Now that you have successfully created and published your private pod library, it's time to integrate it into your projects. 

Set up a private pod repository

Before integrating, make sure that the developers who will be using it have access to your private pod repository. Provide them with the necessary credentials or permissions to access the repository where you have published your private pod.

Update the podfile

To integrate your private pod into a project, the developer needs to update the Podfile of their project. Follow these steps:

  • Open the Podfile of the project where the developer wants to integrate your private pod. The Podfile is typically located in the project's root directory.
  • Add the source for your private pod repository at the top of the Podfile. The source should match the repository you set up for your private pod. For example:
1source ''

Replace 'YourPrivateRepoURL' with the actual URL of your private pod repository.

  • Specify the dependency on your private pod within the target block of the Podfile. Use the following format:
1target ‘YourTargetName’ do
2  pod ‘YourPodName’, ‘~> Version’

Replace 'Your TargetName' with the name of the target in the developer's project where they want to integrate your private pod. Replace 'YourPodName' with the actual name of your private pod, and 'Version' with the desired version or version range.

  • Save the Podfile.

Install a private pod

After updating the Podfile, the developer needs to install the private pod. Follow these steps:

  • In the terminal, navigate to the root directory of the project where the developer updated the Podfile.
  • Run the following command to install the dependencies, including your private pod:
pod install
  • CocoaPods will fetch the dependencies specified in the Podfile, including your private pod, from the private pod repository.
  • Wait for CocoaPods to complete the installation process. Once it's finished, the developer can proceed with using your private pod in their project.

Import and use the private pod

After installation, the developer can import and use it in their project's source code. Follow these steps:

  • Open the project in Xcode.
  • Locate the source file where the developer wants to use your private pod.
  • Add an import statement for your private pod at the top of the source file. For example:
1import YourPodName

Replace 'YourPodName' with the actual name of your private pod.

  • Use the functionality provided by your private pod in the appropriate sections of the source code.

The developer can now build and run their project, and your private pod will be integrated and available for use.

By following these step-by-step instructions, developers can effectively integrate your private pod into their projects. Updating the Podfile, installing the private pod, and importing it into the source code enables seamless integration and utilization of your private pod's functionality. Ensure that the developers have the necessary access and permissions to your private pod repository for successful integration.

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In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the process of creating a private CocoaPods library from start to finish. By following the steps outlined here, you can leverage the power of CocoaPods to manage your internal codebase efficiently. Private pod libraries enable seamless sharing of reusable components across projects, promoting code reusability and reducing development time. Whether you're an individual developer or part of a team, mastering the creation and utilization of private pod libraries is a valuable skill.

Now it's time to put your newfound knowledge into practice and unlock the full potential of your iOS and macOS development workflow.

Do you want to enhance your iOS projects with reusable components and efficient code management? At Aubergine Solutions, we specialize in both custom iOS app development solutions and private CocoaPod development. Whether you need customized private pods, seamless integration, or dependency management, our team of experienced developers has got you covered.

Contact us today for a personalized consultation.


Pradip Sutariya

Associate Technical Lead
Experienced mobile developer with 9+ years of expertise in building innovative iOS, macOS, watchOS, CarPlay, and cross-platform Flutter applications.


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