
Alexa, what can you do for us?

Last updated 
Jan 24, 2019
 min read

All of us- designers at Aubergine, did a brainstorming session on what can we make Alexa do. We got interesting inputs on what can potentially be Alexa’s Skills. (Some of them may already exist, but I would still like to put down all the ideas.)

Brainstorming Ideas for Alexa's Skills

Teach me recipes

How to make tea?

How to make tea with Alexa

A little more advanced could be:

Illustration of advanced Alexa skills concept

Be an interpreter / Teach Languages

Alexa could help you learn a new language, or be an interpreter. It could help you to easily communicate with locals when you are travelling to a region with different language.

Help me learn to drive a car

(Alexa) Skills to gain (human) skillsWhat if Alexa was integrated to your car?

Alexa assisting with car driving lessons.

Listen to me, and console me

People who stay alone and need someone to talk to, Alexa can be that friend whom you could have a conversation with. Alexa could also play voice messages from your loved ones during intervals of the day, console you when you are feeling low.

Be my shopping partner

(If only, Alexa had eyes)Alexa could be your shopping partner !

Provide home remedies, teach yoga, dictate my meditation sessions

Alexa could teach you yoga steps, dictate during your meditation sessions and help you concentrate. Also in situations when you have minor cold and seeking for home remedies, Alexa could suggest.

To-Dos, Checklists & Reminders

Alexa managing to-do lists and reminders.

Save Our Soul

Alexa dialling emergency contact

Generate ideas

Be a participant in Brainstorming sessions.We do a lot of it here at Aubergine. Alexa could participate in these sessions, take notes, throw ideas and even validate them.

Alexa generating creative ideas

How about Alexa had this skill already when we did this session!She would have given ideas for more skills for herself. That would be quite an inception, isn’t it?

Also, we would love to hear your ideas.

Also read: Designing Chronological Activity Feeds: A Comprehensive Guide


Jui Pandya

I like when given a challenging environment. I believe design should be independent and it should talk for itself. I try to tell stories through designs. To me, a design is nothing but storytelling in a strategic manner, so that user's interest is best caught and harmonious experience is delivered. Every time when I think how we focus on making user's lives easy, it feeds the satisfaction of my existence as a designer.


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